To cancel your Premium Free Trial, first navigate to TCLA's main home page here.
Step 1: Log into your account by selecting the button in the top right hand corner of the page:
Step 2: Click on your avatar in the top right hand corner of the page. This will open a drop down menu. Now select 'Memberships & Subscriptions':
Under 'Your Active Subscriptions' you will see your current subscription to our Free Trial.
Step 3: Click on the three vertical dots on the right hand side of your current subscription:
Step 4: Select 'Cancel active subscription' - and you're done!
Kindly note - Cancelling your Free Trial will evoke your access to all of our Premium courses.
This will also cancel any future charges to your debit card or other chosen payment method.
We are unable to reactive your subscription once you have cancelled. If you would like to subscribe to Premium after cancelling, you can do so by following these steps.
Kindly note - you must cancel your Free Trial within the 7 days to prevent being automatically enrolled and charged for our Bronze subscription.
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